Robert Stone
Robert Stone was born in Wolverhampton, UK. He works in a press cuttings agency in London. Before that he was a teacher and then foreman of a London Underground station. He has two children and lives with his partner in Ipswich. He has had stories published in Stand, Panurge, 3:AM, The Write Launch, Eclectica, Confingo, Here Comes Everyone, Book of Matches, Punt Volat, The Decadent Review, The Cabinet of Heed, Heirlock, The Main Street Rag, The Clackamas Literary Review, The Pearl River Quarterly, Angel Rust, Lunate, Blue Stem and Wraparound South. He has had three stories published in Nicholas Royle’s Nightjar chapbook series. Micro stories have been published by Sledgehammer, Third Wednesday, Palm-Sized Press, 5x5, Star 82, The Ocotillo Review, deathcap, The Westchester Review and Clover & White. A story appeared in Salt’s Best British Stories 2020 volume.
He tweets mostly about stories here; @RobertJStone2